Creating the Paradigm Shift

Starting from June 2020 Palo Alto Networks introduced the worlds first ML powered NGFW, this was necessary to combat the increasing sophistication and proliferation of cyber attacks and to provide you the customer unrivalled security against not only known threats but Zero-Day threats as well, WildFire™ provided updates within 5 minutes, it even provided updated signatures within 24hrs if you didn’t have a subscription!

Alas, 5 minutes can seem a lifetime if you are in the middle of an attack, and although far outperforming any competitor Palo Alto Networks were already working on a faster more real time solution and it was released in PAN-OS™10.0 you now have the ability to prevent attacks within the same timeframe that they are perpetrated real-time.


To prevent Zero-Day malware and phishing attacks that had not already been seen in the wild, other manufacturers had bolted on certain aspects of machine learning but this was often clunky and just like putting a massive engine in an otherwise stock family saloon, it sounds good but can’t leverage any of the extra power.


Palo Alto Networks approach was to take the machine learning to the core of the firewall, by doing this the firewall is no longer acting as a proxy but is leveraging the machine learning natively on the box, this has helped Palo Alto Networks solution to defend against 95% of unknown threats before they go on to destroy your environment.

Your Benefits, Their Losses



New approach to the detection and prevention of threats both known and unknown from PAN-OS™ 10.0 means that you will be protected against exponentially more risk with no increase to the cost of your threat and url subscription.


Machine Learning also goes beyond Zero-Day detection and prevention, providing visibility and behavioural anomaly detection and native enforcement on your IoT devices without the need for any additional sensors and infrastructure.


Translating telemetry information Machine Learning modelling can recommend policy changes based on new data which is being accrued all the time, this is particularly important to IoT customers ensuring safety as the nature of the devices changes due to updates and re-purpose sometimes without any user knowledge.

Addressing a Brave New World

Currently there are no examples of Ai based malware in the wild, but this is a question of when as opposed to if, the possibilities are endless and the speed of the technology change and adaption means that you may have to face this sooner then any of us are happy with.

Although there has been no recorded Ai specific Malware in the wild (at the time of writing) the fact is we have seen intelligent malware previously, applications that are environment aware, not detonating if they detect a sandbox or virtual environment, tricking early sandbox and threat detection solutions that the files were benign, and allowing them through, malware that was to stay dormant until the distribution had reached a point that was pre-defined and then become active.

Of course while these are not strictly “Smart” applications of Malware, they are environment aware, and isn’t that one of the defining characteristics of a sentient being ?

We do not have to delve particularly far into the murky world of the internet to discover the issues caused by self-healing bot networks either, the destruction that has been caused by these is well documented across the web.


Time to Step Up

Palo Alto Networks has the size and the vision to secure your network now and into the future, PAN-OS 10.2 Nebula is the most advanced security software on the market today and is the reason why Palo Alto Networks have been at the leading edge of the Gartner Magic Quadrant for what seems like an age, Contact us today and talk through your concerns and requirements, we are here to listen to and solve your problems with network and cyber security.

Mode44 are specialsts in deploying, configuring and troubleshooting Palo Alto Networks platforms, cohesive responsive and pro-active security need not be out of anybodies grasp due to budget or internal resource.

Contact Us for Further Info

As you can see the scope of the ability of Palo Alto Networks Strata™ is vast, and is much better understood in an interactive manner, we are happy to take calls and email questions or to provide you with free no obligation demonstrations and Proof of Concept designs / implementations so you can see the value in Palo Alto Networks Strata™ and Mode44.

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We are ready for your queries, please get in touch with any enquiries or issues you may have with your existing or not-present cyber security services.
Mode44 is able to discuss any projects, issues or concerns you may have with either Palo Alto Networks or with your current vendor if they are not Palo Alto Network specialists.